Compatible Loggers | ||||||||
GenLog PSKExpress TenxLogger |
SpotCollector Win1010 |
MixW | HRD | |||||
Club | Callsigns | Generic (CSV Format) 070-1041,KJ4IZW |
Generic (CSV Format) KJ4IZW,1041 |
SpotCollector Format KJ4IZW,070-1041 | MixW Icons | HRD Alarms | Original | Other Formats |
101,232 |
2025-02-09 2062k |
Includes the following lists:
070 |
2,652 | 2025-02-09 31k | 2025-02-09 31k | 2025-02-09 41k | 2025-02-09 3851k | 2025-02-09 700k |
Member List LONP List Award Standings LONP Data |
Current Members Data
( 2025-02-09 587k ) 070 member data for current members, including start date, LONP number, LONP date, endorsement count, etc. Callsigns ( 2025-02-09 114k ) Past and multiple callsigns, with dates, for each 070#. Includes inactive members. Endorsements Awarded ( 2025-02-09 937k ) Endorsements/stickers awarded to each member. Includes inactive members. 30-day Changelog ( 2025-02-09 0.000k ) Summary of callsign changes, additions, or removals in last 30 days. |
070LONP |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.262k |
LONP List |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
Source Site |
30MDG |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.258k |
Source Site |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
Source Site |
FH |
7,866 | 2025-02-09 94k | 2025-02-09 94k | 2025-02-09 117k |
2025-02-09 2070k |
Source Site |
1010 |
56,349 | 2025-02-09 721k | 2025-02-09 721k | 2025-02-09 996k |
2025-02-09 14985k |
Win1010DL Software |
16,423 | 2025-02-09 203k | 2025-02-09 203k | 2025-02-09 300k |
2025-02-09 4375k |
Source Site |
22,666 | 2025-02-09 282k | 2025-02-09 282k | 2025-02-09 393k |
2025-02-09 6019k |
Source Site |
Additional Members Data
( 2025-02-09 1085k ) Includes name, SPC, and other calls. |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
Source Site |
Additional Members Data
( 2025-02-09 0.000k ) |
Source Site |
12,021 | 2025-02-09 144k | 2025-02-09 144k | 2025-02-09 214k |
2025-02-09 3197k |
Source Site |
Additional Members Data
( 2025-02-09 498k ) |
4,982 | 2025-02-09 59k | 2025-02-09 59k | 2025-02-09 88k |
2025-02-09 1324k |
Source Site |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
Source Site |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
Source Site |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
NDG site by num by call |
Roster by call
( 2025-02-09 0.000k ) Includes PY states. Roster by num ( 2025-02-09 0.000k ) Includes PY states. |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
CDG site Members |
Croatian Digital Group |
Missing | Missing | Missing |
2025-02-09 0.254k |
OBC site HAMs SWLs |
Olivia Belgium Club |
1,421 | 2025-02-09 18k | 2025-02-09 18k | 2025-02-09 24k |
2025-02-09 377k |
HSC site Rosters |
High Speed CW Club |
ERS site Members |
European ROS Club |
OQRS Users |
2,745 |
2025-02-09 52k |
2025-02-09 736k |
ClubLog M0URX OK4BX DXK Blog OK4BX DXK script OK4BX OQRS list OZ7C QSL search Various QSL Managers |
DXKeeper OQRS filter script
( 2025-02-09 24k ) DXKeeper script to filter on known OQRS callsigns that have not yet been confirmed via Card and are not yet marked as QSL_SENT_VIA=E DXKeeper OQRS UPDATE script ( 2025-02-09 52k ) DXKeeper script to UPDATE (pre-pend) the QSL_VIA field with "{{OQRS-____}}" for known OQRS callsigns that have not yet been confirmed via Card and are not yet marked as QSL_SENT_VIA=E. Make a backup first! Pathfinder ClubLog Log Search script ( 2013-02-27 0.231k ) Save to Pathfinder\Searches\ directory. See DXLab Pathfinder help for configuring buttons. Pathfinder ClubLog QSL Wizard script ( 2013-03-11 0.193k ) Save to Pathfinder\Searches\ directory. See DXLab Pathfinder help for configuring buttons. |
ClubLog DXPeds |
965 |
2025-02-09 14k |
2025-02-09 255k |
Source Site |
DXPeditions List
( 2025-02-09 46k ) |
Special Event Stations |
1,040 |
2025-02-09 9k |
2025-02-09 265k |
SES Details
( 2025-02-09 0.000k ) |
DXLab Databases |
DXLab Downloads |
Various support databases for DXLab Suite of programs, including DXCC, USAP, IOTA, LoTW, eQSL, Primary Subdivisions, and Secondary Subdivisions
RSGB-IOTA Website Full XML Listing CSV [deprecated] |
526 |
2025-02-09 10k |
2025-02-02 141k |
ILLW Website 2013 Entrants ILLW Numbers |
International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
ILLW Lighthouse List ( 2025-02-09 0.041k ) List of ILLW Lighthouses and ILLW numbers. |
LoTW Users |
Super Check Partial |
WA1Z ClubLog |
Contest Country Files |
| |
US Counties |
| CQ USA-CA Award Census Maps |
Source Site |
KJ4IZW,070-1041Example from the "ALL_CLUBS" file which is provided as a merge of all the membership lists ... for example:
KJ4IZW,070-1041,EPC-09144,30MDG-2893,DMC-02564Utility to load a special callsigns file directory into SpotCollector: Coming Soon
With Win 8 & 10, right click on your desktop MixW icon. Click on "Open File Location". It's NOT the MixW folder that's in your Program Files! On my computer it's: C:\Users\MYUSERNNAME\AppData\Roaming\MixW That's where your icon.cfg folder is and your folder with the member icons is located. Unzip the icon.cfg file from above to replace the icon.cfg that's there, and unzip the member icon folder to a file in your MixW folder, "icons". That's it for Win 8 & 10. For XP, do all of the above steps, except d/l it to the MixW folder located in Program Files.
2019-11-01 * Fixed FISTS pull * Fixed SKCC pull * Added 'Missing' labels where list files are empty due to pull error 2014-06-21 * Added club list: CDG * Added club list: OBC * Added club list: ERS (TODO -- have to "count" out of tables to get member numbers) 2014-06-20 * Reformated main table column headers to show compatible loggers * 070 Club now pulls from club master database instead of web scraping 2014-04-01 * Updated NDG list 2014-02-16 * Added club list: ARRL Centennial QSO Party 2013-10-03 * Added club list: WSC 2013-08-29 * Added Pathfinder search file for ClubLog Log Search * Added Pathfinder search file for ClubLog QSL Wizard 2013-08-19 * Added list: ILLW numbers and 2013 callsigns * Fixed BDM list (source site had changed) 2013-06-15 * Added club list: NAQCC * Added club list: FPQRP * Fixed CWOPS list (source site had changed) * Fixed 30MDG list (source site had changed) 2013-05-22 * Fixed FOC list (source site had changed) 2013-04-07 * Added RSGB-IOTA links * Added DXLab Databases links * Added Contest Country Files links * Added County-Hunter links 2013-03-16 * Added ChangeLog section * Added club list: FOC * Added club list: CWOPS * Added club list: BDM * Added club list (placeholder): NDG * store cts-per-club per refresh -- for future use. 2013-03-15 * Added OZ7C QSL Manager database (~650 oqrs calls total; ~200 new ones). * Misc OQRS additions.
add ClubLog DXCC most-wanted list. key-value pairs of rank-dxcc Need a dxcc lookup ... from dxlab db?? Add DX4WIN support (AD1C) Look to add more groups (from AD1C's dx4win page): active?? active?? From 30MDG.list DIG.list FOC.list P070.list SMIRK.list AGCW.list EPC.list HSC.list SIXC.list WCC.list CWOP.list FISTS.list NAQRP.list SKCC.list WWYC.list Have hamclubs links added to 070 parser -- pull down the alpha listing, and the 2 text files 070 parser -- pull the LONP by callsign listing: 070 audit -- check the alpha listing for inconsistencies against roster listing 070 audit -- check the LONP-by-call against LONP-by-number listings 070 audit -- audit for missing names & qth's (e.g. ZL7LC, ZM3R) 070-lonp-checker -- support old calls, e.g. WG5T worked ZL7LC #1476 ditto for WABOL ... add ZL7LC to list add 070-audit.txt ; email charlie add notice about corrections/missing calls/numbers -- goes to respective club. make a text file from checker/cfg/inc/ for a simple plain-text county listing For OQRS: add a DXK script that willl UPDATE qsl_via field with a "[[OQRS::____]]" tag (if not there). provide a filter-button search for finding that tag by qsl-mgr-callsign provide DXK script for putting QSL Queue Q's into log display oqrs stats -- e.g. callsign cts per manager dxk filter scripts by manager?? Keep datafile of filenames & row-cts so can see club/file growth over time. Add Graphs??? Display this at all on main page?? post to dxlab reflector about growth of oqrs listing about available DXK scripts/filters schedule automatic weekly refresh. Right now i'm manually running (~weekly-ish) the push-button script to refresh all lists. add club logos and full names?? create MixW icons for other lists beside 070 limit of 4950 lines per set??? For SES list -- add custom list to add/override .. e.g. the EFC ones from KN4QD compile & post my perl script to a .exe for loading the files into SC database Is there a QCWA list? Seems to have been removed from group's website Back-end: add logrotate so I have archives of the lists. back-end: add a test suite ... e.g. check first 10 lines of each file, and check certain calls. stats -- see who has most clubs ... either w/a "join" cmd, or cut -f6 (last col?), and |uniq -c/-d stats for counts in different combinations of groups. perl -pe 's/^.*?,//; s/-.*?(,|$)/$1/g' ALL_CLUBS.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn post this as custom_files item for ALL_CLUBS get logos for each club, and provide HTML snippets (img or iframe tags) suitable for including into On my to-do list is to considering having several different versions of the "ALL_CLUBS" list that are made up from different combinations of clubs ... but will need to figure what different combinations .. or might built something so you can pick & chose, and it generates the desired file.